I am confused. Shouldn't the issue be Trump crossing the line, using the power of his position and pending office to intimidate and silence the media, independent pollsters, private citizens and anyone who says or does something that Trump and MAGA doesn't like. Ann isn't the problem, Trump and the MAGA ecosystem that demands Putin/Hitler/Caesar like loyalty including rigging information to make him happy or look good. Polling is a science and survey respondents, weighing and methodology steps can't prevent errors and Ann's track record provides her with some benefit of the doubt that this polling miss was an unintended miss. Having read your article, I can make a statistical assumption that you believe Ann and the Des Moines Register did something questionable enough to judge their motives and the validity of Trump's bad faith effort. Yours is an unquestionably bad assessment in my opinion. If you publish a poll, following your best statistical methodology, Trump doesn't like it and sues you or orders the DOJ to investigate you, should we question you or rally to your defense as an independent business doing legitimate work. Please consider that as you question Ann's work.
I understand your take and some of it is valid. They did go after Quantus Insights, some even tried to get us removed because our polls showed a far different picture. We were called a "right wing pollster" and was accused of being paid by Trump to push out propaganda. It was all nonsense to damage us. It was uncalled for and nasty. We did a good job and turned out to be one of the most accurate of 2024.
I do think at the least, there are some issues with the poll, not just it's huge miss, which is terrible enough, but the collusion beforehand. I think this is a ploy at discovery and that is where we may know if any unethical or even illegal acts took place.
Personally, I do think there should be accountability for the media and polling. It's a rotten industry and needs reform.
I am confused. Shouldn't the issue be Trump crossing the line, using the power of his position and pending office to intimidate and silence the media, independent pollsters, private citizens and anyone who says or does something that Trump and MAGA doesn't like. Ann isn't the problem, Trump and the MAGA ecosystem that demands Putin/Hitler/Caesar like loyalty including rigging information to make him happy or look good. Polling is a science and survey respondents, weighing and methodology steps can't prevent errors and Ann's track record provides her with some benefit of the doubt that this polling miss was an unintended miss. Having read your article, I can make a statistical assumption that you believe Ann and the Des Moines Register did something questionable enough to judge their motives and the validity of Trump's bad faith effort. Yours is an unquestionably bad assessment in my opinion. If you publish a poll, following your best statistical methodology, Trump doesn't like it and sues you or orders the DOJ to investigate you, should we question you or rally to your defense as an independent business doing legitimate work. Please consider that as you question Ann's work.
I understand your take and some of it is valid. They did go after Quantus Insights, some even tried to get us removed because our polls showed a far different picture. We were called a "right wing pollster" and was accused of being paid by Trump to push out propaganda. It was all nonsense to damage us. It was uncalled for and nasty. We did a good job and turned out to be one of the most accurate of 2024.
I do think at the least, there are some issues with the poll, not just it's huge miss, which is terrible enough, but the collusion beforehand. I think this is a ploy at discovery and that is where we may know if any unethical or even illegal acts took place.
Personally, I do think there should be accountability for the media and polling. It's a rotten industry and needs reform.